Just A Girl In The World

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Wheels are turning...

So my Travel blog/website has finally gotten off the ground! Definitely a work in progress but I am happy with the rate at which it is going. I think sometimes I can really visualize a project but putting it from my visual in my head to the page is sometimes difficult for me.

So just in case it interests you, check it out:


It's on a free server for the time being but hopefully with time I can secure a similar domain and get it up and running on it's own account. For now, I'll tinker for free and see where it might go.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Life's Journey

Sometimes the plans in life I’ve made don’t always work out the way I think they will. This can be frustrating at times but with a little faith, I’ve learned to believe that all things happen for a reason.

I want to believe that I can do anything. I want to write, I want to dream, I want to travel to distant places…

I wish I knew where to start.
I wish I knew the path that will fulfill my destiny…

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