Just A Girl In The World

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year... 2006!

So it's been way too long a time since I posted. Hopefully with the new year, I will be able to update more often.

I am currently enjoying my new job I started in November. I'm working for a travel website, where once I've completed my first six months I will have all the perks of a travel counsellor. I can't wait to travel and am having a hard time to figure out where I might go.

I've started a paper journal that I plan to write in every day for 2006. It should be an interesting experience. I am hoping it will allow me to be more creative.

Well although much time has passed since I've posted, and I do have much to say; I'm working 12 hours tomorrow so I can't stay as I have miles to go before I sleep.

Here's the cover of the new journal I made to doodle my thoughts over the next year...


peace, love & happiness for the new year!


  • Carolyn!!!!!

    Think of you so often. Congrats on the new job. I need a cheap flight to Ireland for May around the 13th. My love life is still non existant. What's my problem. Promise to call you before elections. Who has your vote>

    Peace, love and .....

    By Blogger Louise, at 11:58 PM  

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