Just A Girl In The World

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Oh Happy Day!!!

Today is International Women's Day.

Celebrate the women in your life.

I was home today, hence all the posting. I work Saturday so I am enjoying my day of rest and relaxation today. The sky is clear and blue, but unlike yesterday, the snow has held off. I slept in, the window had been left open in the bedroom so I had to finally pull myself out of the cozy blankets to seize what was left of a beautiful day.

I've always been an emotional person, but it seems like lately it doesn't take much to set off my sensitive soul. It has never taken much to bring me to tears, but usually I've been a strong enough person to either brush things off or wait until I'm alone to let my emotions go.

So today while using my computer, I had the tv on for background noise and found a show I have enjoyed in the past on the Women's Network - Heartbeats.

It is a show that follows the journey of many patients that are helped by Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. Today they are showing episodes back to back all afternoon, so I caught a woman's story that made me sad and then happy to see the outcome.

A 30 year old woman was diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer. She had her masectomy and was undergoing radiation to ensure the cancer had been eliminated from her body. The show tells the story of her illness and then her treatment. They show her ups and downs. She tells us how it feels to go to the hospital each and every day for treatment. And how upset she is when the side effects of her treatment almost halt it completely when she begins to lose too much weight.

But then after 25 radiation treatments, they show her and her husband leaving the hospital. The doctors explain they will follow her progress over the next few years when the dangers of reoccurrence are highest.

I found myself in tears watching how happy this woman was when she visits a lingerie store in Toronto close to the end of her radiation treatment. She was there to be fitted for new bras with an implant that made her feel good about the way she looked again. After her treatment ended, she was going on a trip to attend a breast cancer conference.

Hearing this brave young woman talk about her battle with cancer made me think of how scared one of my friends must have been when she recently went through the ordeal of having a cyst diagnosed and cancer ruled out. As well, my mother has gone through breast cancer and although I already knew she was a survivor; this show made me remember just how lucky my mom has been.

So celebrate the women in your life. Hold them close, appreciate them for who they are and remember to tell them they are loved.


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