Put On Your Easter Bonnet!
Since Thursday was also my mother's birthday, I booked the day off to spend with my sister, niece and mom in celebration.
We had an enjoyable day, shopping and then winding up the day with dinner at Red Lobster at my mother's request. Of course, because she can be just as emotional as I am; our gift made her cry. We framed a translucent poem about mothers over a photo of myself, my niece and my sister taken with our Christmas photos.
We all went back to my mom's home in Kemptville to spend a few days together for the Easter holiday. Every minute spent with my niece and family is memorable and I'm glad I was able to get the time off to enjoy the time with them.
Friday, we slept in a bit while my mom looked after my niece as she is usually the early bird that catches the earliest worm. Then we decided to visit the grave of my sister's first child who passed away at 8 months old. Some days, I still cannot believe she is gone, she was such a beautiful baby.
My mom and I have been going about twice a year since she had died, but this was my sister's first time back since the funeral. Part of that is that she doesn't have a vehicle and the cememtary she was buried in is close to Brockville, while she lives in Ottawa.
While we were there, because there was still so much snow, we could not find the marker that marks her grave so I think that upset my sister. My mom reassured her we'd go again, and half the battle was getting up the courage to even visit her grave as it was such a sad trauma my family went through.
So instead we let the sweet angel know we were there, and spent the afternoon taking a drive in and around Brockville. We enjoyed each other's company and I think being with family helped my sister with the healing process, although when you lose a child, I don't think it ever gets easier.
As well her second child is such an amazing blessing, such a character, that we really could not keep a somber mood even if we wanted to. She seems to understand that her sister is in Heaven. I'm just not sure if she completely understand what Heaven is except that her sister is an angel watching down on her. Yet though she is just close to 3 years old, she is such a bright child that lights up all of our lives that I wouldn't be too surprised if she did actually understand.
We spent the evening creating a scrapbook for a friend of my mom's son who is having a little boy soon as well as updating the scrapbook I made for my niece for Christmas.
Then Sean picked me up Saturday morning for us to visit his family for Easter. We went to his grandparents house in Kingston to spend the rest of the weekend enjoying Easter with his relatives. His mom arrived the day before us, and then his great aunt was there when we arrived late in the afternoon.
His grandparents are charming people and so welcoming in including me in their family. They make me feel welcome and are quick to invite me to any family outings Sean is included in. They make me wish that my grandparents had been more involved in my life. I see traits in Sean that obviously come from both of his grandparents and have helped to make him grow to be the man that he is in life.
And even Sean surprised me this weekend, with an Easter surprise at his grandparents... An Easter basket with chocolates and a lovely card letting me know, as always, how much he loves me. And then to further his surprises, he bought me a bouquet of Mums that were in our apartment when we came home...
I would have thought that would be enough to make a whirlwind weekend, but then when we finally arrived at home, my sister asked us to take her cat for the time she is dog sitting my mother's dogs. So off Sean went to collect kitkat and her belongings so she could spend the next week or so with us.
>:-=) <---- my attempt at a kitty kat ;)
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