Just A Girl In The World

Friday, January 28, 2005

Starry Night ~ Van Gogh

Originally uploaded by rowann.

Twinkle, twinkle little star...

I love this painting. I'm never sure if it is the playfulness of the wavy lines or just the happy way the colours all mix around each other.

I haven't been to the Art Gallery since I've moved back to Ottawa. I used to go often when I was a student. I would spend hours wandering around the National Art Gallery, looking at the paintings, wondering what the artist was feeling at the exact moment when they put their paintbrush across the page.

And now, when I think about the art in the National Art Gallery, I remember what I was exposed to in the Broward Art Guild's open houses each time I attended one in Florida. Brilliant minds, bright strokes...and no matter what medium the artists used, beautiful emotions were showcased...

The Guild's openness and friendly people made me almost feel comfortable enough to want to bring in one of my Florida photos to show them what I, an outsider to the native Floridian, would see besides the touristy venues that most captured in their picture postcards. But who am I to critique ?

I so wanted to capture the raw energy the sun brought these people, so easy to be around, so friendly to relate to... They helped open up my spirit, my creative spark rekindled so that I might come home again, refreshed and ready for whatever might come my way...

And maybe that is what Starry Night taunts me with.

For where did the potential I saw in myself while pouring over the exhibits in the Broward Art Guild go ?

Where did that feeling of knowing that if I reached within my own self, I might surprise the world with what might be waiting within ?


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